High-voltage rectifier diode


Magistrsko delo obravnava izdelavo visokonapetostne diode za namen laboratorijskih meritev visokonapetostne opreme pod vplivom enosmerne napetosti. Poudarek je na lastno konstruirani ter izdelani diodi, ki je bila testirana v visokonapetostnem laboratoriju Elektroinštituta Milana Vidmarja. V prvem delu so opisani osnovni pojmi, ki so bili pri izdelavi modela izrednega pomena. Tu gre predvsem za specifične parametre kot so električno polje, lastnosti izolacij, električna zdržnost materialov, itd. V drugem delu magistrskega dela sem se nekoliko bolj osredotočil na fizikalne osnove pn-spoja oziroma diode, ki je bila ključni element praktičnega dela, ter na že obstoječe rešitve, ki se uporabljajo danes. Za konec je predstavljenih več praktičnih preizkusov, ki so bili opravljeni tekom celotne raziskave ter izdelave visokonapetostne diode. Prišel sem do zaključka, da je kljub uspešno zaključenemu projektu vpliv električnega polja pri napetostih višjih od 300 kV tolikšen, da je konstrukcijska zasnova usmerniške diode z zaporednim sestavljanjem izredno kompleksna in na način kot je opisan v nadaljevanju naloge ni primerna za resnejšo uporabo.The master\u27s thesis deals with the manufacture of high-voltage diode for the purpose of laboratory measurements of high-voltage equipment under the influence of the DC voltage. The emphasis is on own designed and manufactured diodes which have been tested in high-voltage laboratory of Milan Vidmar Electric Power Institute. The first section describes the basic concepts that have been of the utmost importance for model production. These were primarily specific parameters such as electric field, properties of insulation, electrical materials etc. In the second part of the master thesis I focused more on the physical basis of pn-junction diode which has been a key element of practical work as well as on existing solutions which are used today. In the end, number of practical tests that were carried out during all the research and manufacture of high-voltage diodes are presented. I came to the conclusion that despite the successful completion of the project the influence of the electric field at voltages higher than 300 kV is such, that the structural design of the rectifier diode by successive assembling is extremely complex and in the manner as described in the thesis is not suitable for serious use

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