
Flujos económicos entre edades: Uruguay 2006


The purpose of this work is to present an estimation of the economic flows between people of different ages in Uruguay for 2006. In any period coexist people of different generations living in different stages of the life cycle. People in the working age, generate resources that serve not only for their support but for the generations that are not in the working age, specifically children, youth and older adults. In order to measure this economic resources reallocation between ages we estimate the NTA (National Transfer Accounts) Account System. In general the methodology to analyze these flows consists in the estimation of the mean value per age of each account (public and private consumption, labor income, taxes, public and private transfers, asset based reallocations), so that the aggregate values are consistent with the macroeconomic information, particularly with the National Accounts System. The results for Uruguay indicate that in 2006 consumption is higher than labor income for people under 24 and for those over 61 years old. Children and the young finance their consumption essentially through public and private transfers, while the older adults finance their consumption through income derived from assets and public transfers.intergenerational transfers, generational accounts

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