
Rol del Gobierno. ¿Qué opinan los uruguayos?


This paper presents the results of the Role of Government Survey conducted by the Department of Economics (FCS-UDELAR) under the Project of the International Social Survey Program, supported by the Comisión Sectorial de Investigación Científica (CSIC) and the Asociación Cristiana de Dirigentes de Empresa (ACDE). The survey was conducted in urban areas throughout the country between November and December 2006 to citizens aged 17 or older. The main results of the survey are presented in two chapters. The first chapter describes the views of citizens with regard to the Uruguayan government, i.e. views on the government's interventions or regulations in the economic sphere, responsibilities and performance of the government, fiscal policies, taxes and tolerance. The second chapter presents the views of Uruguayan citizens on obedience to the laws and perception of corruption in the country.corruption, public opinion, role of government, government policy, regulation.

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