Willingness to pay for improving fatality risks and asthma symptoms: Values for children and adults of all ages
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We examine effects of age on valuation of mortality and morbidity risks using a two-stage contingent valuation survey and a sample including parents of children aged 4-17 years and adults aged 18-92. The survey used a hypothetical improved asthma therapy to elicit (1) tradeoffs between asthma control and fatality risk, (2) willingness to pay (WTP) for reduced fatality risk, and (3) WTP for asthma control. The mean value of statistical life (VSL) at average age is 3.8M,butageaffectsVSLandnonlinearly.EstimatedVSLishighestatagefour(14.1M), falls until age 30 (3.7M),risesuntilage66(6.7M), and then falls to 1.5Mbyage92.Resultsfromthewideagerangeconsideredmaypartlyreconcileapparentlyconflictingresultsfrompreviousstudiesfocusedonnarrowerageranges.ThevalueofasthmacontrolisnotasstronglyrelatedtoageasVSLandrangesfrom1700 to $4000 annually.Value of children' s health Value of statistical life Senior discount Risk-risk tradeoff Willingness to pay Asthma Mortality risks