
Taking Responsibility? Legal Aid Reform and Litigants in Person in England


This is an author version of a book chapter accepted for publication by Hart Publishing. The definitive version will appear as Chapter 13 of: Delivering Family Justice in the 21st Century, edited by Mavis Maclean, John Eekelaar, Benoit Bastard. ISBN: 9781849469128. Due for publication by Hart Publishing in 2015. version submitted in accordance with publisher self archiving policy.In April 2014, the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (LASPO) introduced sweeping reforms to legal aid in England and Wales. The impact was felt most severely on private family law cases, that is, divorce or civil partnership dissolution, property and finance and arrangements for children. Since April 2014, legal aid has only been available for a restricted range of private family law cases, primarily for victims of domestic violence

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