
National Policy Framework for Marine Renewable Energy within the United Kingdom


A report prepared as part of the MERiFIC Project "Marine Energy in Far Peripheral and Island Communities"The MERiFIC Project: MERiFIC is an EU project linking Cornwall and Finistère through the ERDF INTERREG IVa France (Manche) England programme. The project seeks to advance the adoption of marine energy in Cornwall and Finistère, with particular focus on the island communities of the Parc naturel marin d’Iroise and the Isles of Scilly. Project partners include Cornwall Council, University of Exeter, University of Plymouth and Cornwall Marine Network from the UK, and Conseil général du Finistère, Pôle Mer Bretagne, Technôpole Brest-Iroise, Parc naturel marin d’Iroise, IFREMER and Bretagne Développement Innovation from France. MERiFIC was launched on 13th September at the National Maritime Museum Cornwall and runs until June 2014. During this time, the partners aim to Develop and share a common understanding of existing marine energy resource assessment techniques and terminology; Identify significant marine energy resource ‘hot spots’ across the common area, focussing on the island communities of the Isles of Scilly and Parc Naturel Marin d’Iroise; Define infrastructure issues and requirements for the deployment of marine energy technologies between island and mainland communities; Identify, share and implement best practice policies to encourage and support the deployment of marine renewables; Identify best practice case studies and opportunities for businesses across the two regions to participate in supply chains for the marine energy sector; Share best practices and trial new methods of stakeholder engagement, in order to secure wider understanding and acceptance of the marine renewables agenda; Develop and deliver a range of case studies, tool kits and resources that will assist other regions. To facilitate this, the project is broken down into a series of work packages: WP1: Project Preparation; WP2: Project Management; WP3: Technology Support; WP4: Policy Issues; WP5: Sustainable Economic Development; WP6: Stakeholder Engagement; WP7: Communication and DisseminationThis document is intended to provide an introduction into the international, national and regional policy and legislation framework relevant to the deployment of marine renewable energy technologies within the UK, and specifically with a focus upon the South West and the county of Cornwall and its neighbouring Isles of Scilly. Within the context and scope of this document, devices that utilize wave, tidal stream, and floating wind within the marine environment are included within the definition of ‘marine renewable energy devices’ however limited focus is also given to offshore fixed wind turbines as it is recognised that, (although outside of the scope and context of this document and at a much further stage of technology maturity) there are many complimentarities between these technology groupings

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