


English is now well-established as an international language of transnational and intercultural communication. The number of speakers is now estimated to be about two billions in varying degrees of competencies, and nonnative speakers (NNSs) of English outnumber native speakers (NSs) by a ratio of 3:1 (Crystal, 2003). One of the obvious effects of the global spread of English is that English, the living language, has inevitably changed in order to suit the diverse social contexts in which it is used (Crystal, 1997). As English has spread all over the world, there has been recognition of the new varieties of English that have emerged in outer and expanding countries. This current state has generated a series of questions surrounding language teaching pedagogy: Is there any standard English? Which language variety or varieties should be taught?, Who should be the ‘model’ English speaker?, Is it necessary to introduce Englishes in language classroom?. This presentation aims to discuss these issues by highlighting the diversity of English and the diversity of its users. Finally the presentation demonstrates how classroom teachers as agents of change should take on board awareness raising activities in the recognition of the varieties of English

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