


Abstract: This study was a case study, involving 24 students at the third semester of English Education Department who were taking a course of writing II in Slamet Riyadi Surakarta. The goals of the study are to find out how Whole Brain Writing Game (WBWG) stimulates the students to generate and to develop ideas writing process, to identify the constraints experienced by the students when writing and how they coped with those problems. Over six months of conducting the research; field notes, transcribed interviews, and responses from questionnaire served as the data. The results showed that the Whole Brain Writing Game (WBWG) stimulated the students to generate and to develop ideas writing process by conducting two parts: Complexors and Puzzles. Complexors gave the students hundreds of repetitions in basic writing skills. Puzzles guided the students through a set of writing patterns. When students were playing with Complexors, they worked in teams to orally create as many Complexor tasks as possible in a minute. Complexors are speed games designed to build oral fluency. Writing a topic sentence was enormously simplified because students could speak 20 topic sentences in a row. When students were playing with Puzzles they worked individually or in teams, completing prewriting and writing tasks. Using a set of writing rules, students completed ever more elaborate, and challenging, essay patterns. Keywords:Whole Brain Writing Game, Teaching Writing, Case Stud

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