
Актуалізація прагматичного компонента слова у політичному дискурсі (Political discourse actualising a word pragmatic component)


У центрі даного дослідження- причини актуалізації/активації прагматичного компонента значення слова ‘consultation’ у структурі політичного дискурсу. Семантична взаємодія лексеми та дискурсу обумовлює деякі зміни у лексичному значенні слова. (The actualization/activisation of a pragmatic component in the lexical meaning of the word ‘consultation’ under its discourse influence is in the focus of the present investigation. There are two main modes for exploring word meaning: in relation to other words and in relation to the world. First, ttraditional method used in dictionaries is to define a word in terms of other words, second, a foundational theory,which is interested in how lexical expressions acquire properties necessary for the user in discourse The semantic correlation of the lexeme and the discourse stimulates some shifts in the word meaning. We focus our investigation on of the lexeme consultation functioning in political discourse. The professional (political) discourse is usually represented by a semantic net [11, p.3-18] which makes it cohesive and determines the topic. The lexemes in the net share a common component that links them into a semantic domain, for instance, party, negotiation, information, agreement, decision, etc. encode the political discourse. The notion of «Semantic domain» is inspired by «The Theory of Semantic Fields,» a structural model for lexical semantics introduced by Jost Trier at the beginning of the last century. The basic assumption is that lexicon is structured into Semantic Domains: semantic relations among concepts belonging to the same domain are very dense. To reveal a pragmatic component in the semantic domain of ‘consultation’ linking other registers of discourse, for instance, legal, academic, banking, medical, and family is another step forward in semantic pragmatics.

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