
Pinus glabra: As a Potential Source of Anti- Mycobacterium tuberculosis Agent: Phytochemical and antimicrobial Studies of its Stem Extracts


With the increasing incidence of tuberculosis and rated second to HIV-AIDS by the World Health Organisation as a leading cause of death from infectious disease and increased resistance to drugs currently in use, there is therefore the need for alternative sources of drugs for the treatment of this disease. Pinus glabra presents as a potential candidate for such drugs discovery. Concoctions derived from the plant have been used to treat cases of rheumatism, cough, piles and catarrh. Sample extraction was performed by soaking the stem samples in ethanol for 172 h, which gave reddish-yellow oil after removal of the ethanol solvent. The oil was partitioned between 1:1 water/chloroform mixture. The aqueous layer was further partitioned separately with ethyl acetate and hexane. The phytochemical screening of the crude ethanol extract revealed the presence of alkaloids, saponins, tannins and flavonoids. Antimicrobial tests were performed on the crude ethanol extract, ethyl acetate and hexane fractions against clinical isolates Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella sp. by measurement of zones of inhibition. All test samples exhibited significant antimicrobial activity against the organisms albeit to different extent

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