
Teaching using information and communication technology: Do trainee teachers have the confidence?


The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is an important aspect of education. Numerous benefits of using ICT in education have been unearthed therefore, ICT should be widely used in teaching. However, in order to use ICT in teaching, teachers have to have certain level of confidence. They hve to be prepared to use ICT in teaching. In relation to that, this study sought to identify trainee teachers’ confidence in teaching using ICT. The respondent comprised 675 trainee teachers at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). They were all were final year students in the teacher education program. Their confidence was assessed using 12 statements on their ability to integrate Information and Communication Technology (ICT)in teaching. The study showed that trainee teachers were quite confident integrating ICT with teaching. The study also showed a significant difference in the level of confidence between students with teaching experience and students without teaching experience. Older students were more confident integrating ICT in teaching than younger student

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