
Business model design and technological innovation : Multi-method essays on drivers, working mechanisms, and consequences


This dissertation shows the substance that the business model concept has for technological innovation and vice versa. With four distinct studies, this project was set out to make a small but hopefully significant contribution to resolving the high complexity of a vital relationship and the constructs it involves. The empirical advancements of this dissertation consist of multiple methods, data sources, and industries individually selected for each one of the four studies to ensure high degrees of methodological fit. The toolkit employed covers conceptual approaches such as a systematic review of highly regarded literature, qualitative empirical processes such as case study analysis based on triangulated data, as well as a number of quantitative empirical techniques such as Tobit regression models and propensity score matching, partially based on longitudinal information. These algorithms utilize two distinct quantitative data sets: high quality secondary data from the Mannheim Innovation Panel (MIP) for over two thousand firms from multiple industries as well as a manually collected set of primary survey data to be able to look at specific aspects of the complex relationship between business models and technological innovation. In addition, this dissertation extends operationalizations of the business model construct regarding both its static configurations in form of novelty-, efficiency-, complementarities-, and lock-in-centered designs, as well as for its dynamic changes represented by distinct variables of central firm activities nested in novel business model content, structure, and governance

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