Metodologi penetapan fatwa Jawatankuasa Syar'iyyah Negeri Perlis (JSNP): Pengamalannya berasaskan fatwa-fatwa terpilih tahun 1990-2000


Syar'iyyah Committee of Perlis (JSNP) is a body which has been given power by the Perlis Islamic Administration Laws 1964 as the advisor to Council of Religious and Malay Custom Perlis (MA IPS) in the matter of fatwa. As an authoritative state fatwa body, JSNP has made a guideline on fatwa setting methodology that need to be followed before a fatwa is decided.The guideline which was set, contrasts with Fatwa Committee implementation in other states.Therefore, the objective of this study is to identify fatwa setting methodology and analyse the practicality of the fatwa setting method which was set through Syar'iyyah Committee of Perlis (JSNP) selected fatwas from 1990 to 2000. This qualitative study involves data collection process through resources of documents and interviews.To analyse the collected data on the other hand, content analysis approach is used. This approach is the best way to test the method practiced by JSNP in deciding a fatwa. The result of he research showed that fatwa setting methodology of JSNP is divided into two which are related to the sources of hukm and the use of school of thought (mazhab) views without the binds of one school of thought.Based on the analysed fatwa texts, JSNP implementation on fatwa setting methodology on sources of hukm found that the practiced of JSNP is parallel to the set guidelines.Likewise, on the school of thought view application which has been used in JSNP fatwa decision

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