


Software applications may have different degrees of complexity depending on the problems they try to solve and can integrate very complex elements that bring together functionality that sometimes are competing or conflicting. We can take for example a mobile communications system. Functionalities of such a system are difficult to understand, and they add to the non-functional requirements such as the use in practice, performance, cost, durability and security. The transition from local computer networks to cover large networks that allow millions of machines around the world at speeds exceeding one gigabit per second allowed universal access to data and design of applications that require simultaneous use of computing power of several interconnected systems. The result of these technologies has enabled the evolution from centralized to distributed systems that connect a large number of computers. To enable the exploitation of the advantages of distributed systems one had developed software and communications tools that have enabled the implementation of distributed processing of complex solutions. The objective of this document is to present all the hardware, software and communication tools, closely related to the possibility of their application in integrated social and economic level as a result of globalization and the evolution of e-society. These objectives and national priorities are based on current needs and realities of Romanian society, while being consistent with the requirements of Romania's European orientation towards the knowledge society, strengthening the information society, the target goal representing the accomplishment of e-Romania, with its strategic e-government component. Achieving this objective repositions Romania and gives an advantage for sustainable growth, positive international image, rapid convergence in Europe, inclusion and strengthening areas of high competence, in line with Europe 2020, launched by the European Council in June 2010.information society, databases, distributed systems, e-society, implementation of distributed systems

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