
Basalt fibre reinforced poly(lactic acid) based composites for engineering applications


In our research we have investigated the us ability of basalt fabrics and roving as a novel reinforcement for the renewable resource and inherently biodegradable polymer Poly(Lactic Acid) (PLA). The composites were prepared by using film-stacking method, thus by laying basalt fabrics and PLA film onto each other and co mpression moulding this layered structure. PLA film was produced film (sheet) extrusion from pellets. The effect of processing parameters, namely pressure and temperature was analysed on the mechanical properties of the composites. It was found that both paramet ers are highly effectiv e in significantly increasing the wetting of the basalt fabric, a nd thus the mechanical properties. Finally, unidirectional composites were also prepared by the same method to be able to determine the maximum achievable strength of the basalt fibre reinforced PLA composites

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