
Flight experience with the decelerating noise abatement approach


The noise of older aircraft can be reduced in two principal ways: retrofitting the aircraft with a quiet propulsion system, and changing the flight operational procedures used in flying the aircraft. The former approach has already proved to be expensive, time consuming, and difficult to implement even though low-noise propulsion system technology exists. The latter method seems to hold promise of being less expensive and easier to implement. One operational technique which might reduce the noise beneath the landing approach path is the decelerating approach. This technique requires intercepting the 3 deg approach path at a relatively high speed with the aircraft in the cruise configuration, then reducing the thrust to idle and allowing the aircraft to decelerate along the 3 deg approach path. As the appropriate airspeed is achieved, the landing flaps and landing gear are deployed for a normal flare and landing. Because the engines, which are the predominant noise source on landing approach, are at idle thrust, a significant reduction in the noise beneath the approach path should be realized

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