
Assesment of Antibiotic Utilization on Pediatric Patients with Upper Respiratory Tract Infection at Public Health Centers, Gunung Kidul Period of January-June 2000


Abstract The study about the use of antibiotics on paediatric patients with upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) has been carried out at Public Health Centres (PHC), Gunung Kidul during January - June 2007. This research was aimed to know the use of antibiotics on paediatric patients and the antibiotics rationality, which held in Public Health Centres Gunung Kidul Yogyakarta. The study was a descriptive study with retrospective data collecting. We used all outpatient prescriptions of paediatric (2-12 years old) patients who diagnosed as URTI. The antibitotics rationality was analyzed based on the analysis of right indication, type of drug, patient, and dosage. We found 1008 persicription in paediatrics with URTI at four Public Health Centres at the rural area of Gunung Kidul. Amoxycillin was the most prescribed antibiotic in the URTI (mean = 41.8%). Common cold was the most URTI experienced by paediatric patients. The average of rationality among four PHC was 30.3%. The. used of antibiotics in children with URTI in Gunung Kidul was high, but the rationality of the antibiotics used is still need to be evaluated, principally with the right indication of antibiotic Key word : Antibiotic, Paediatric, Upper Respiratory Tract Infection, Public Health Centre

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