
Flight-measured inlet pressure transients accompanying engine compressor surges on the F-111A airplane


Two-F-111A airplanes were subjected to conditions that caused engine compressor surges and accompanying duct hammershock pressure transients. Flight speed ranged from Mach 0.71 to Mach 2.23, and altitude varied from approximately 3200 meters to 14,500 meters. A wide range of compressor pressure ratios was covered. Stabilized free-stream, engine, and duct conditions were established before each compressor surge. Dynamic pressure instrumentation at the compressor face and in the duct recorded the pressure transients associated with the surges. Hammershock pressures were analyzed with respect to the stabilized conditions preceding the compressor surges. The hammershock transients caused large pressure rises at the compressor face and in the duct. Hammershock pressure ratios at the compressor face were not affected by free-stream Mach number or altitude but were functions of engine variables, such as compressor pressure ratio. The maximum hammershock pressure ratio of approximately 1.83 occurred at a compressor pressure ratio of approximately 21.7

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