
Wind tunnel investigation of a large-scale 25 deg swept-wing jet transport model with an external blowing triple-slotted flap


An investigation has been conducted to determine the aerodynamic characteristics of a large-scale subsonic jet transport model with an externally blown triple-slotted flap. The lift of the model was augmented by the turbofan engine exhaust impingement on the flap surface. The model had a 25 deg swept wing of aspect ratio 7.28 and four turbofan engines. The model was tested with two flap extents. One extended from 0.11 to 1.00 of the wing semispan, and the other extended from 0.11 to 0.75 of the wing semispan with a single-slotted aileron from 0.75 to 1.00 of the wing semispan. The results were obtained for several flap deflections with and without the horizontal tail at gross thrust coefficients from 0 to 4.0. Longitudinal and lateral data are presented with three and four engines operating

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