
Diffraction by a perfectly conducting rectangular cylinder which is illuminated by an array of line sources


The geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD) is employed to analyze the radiation from a perfectly-conducting rectangular cylinder illuminated by an array of line sources. The excitation of the cylinder by a single electric or magnetic current line source is considered first, and a solution which includes contributions from the geometrical optics rays and all singly- and doubly-diffracted rays is obtained. A new diffraction coefficient valid in the transition regions of the shadow and reflection boundaries is employed to obtain a continuous total field, except for negligible discontinuities in the doubly-diffracted field at its shadow boundaries. Patterns calculated by the GTD method are found to be in excellent agreement with those calculated from an integral equation formulation. Using superposition the solution for array or aperture excitation of the rectangular cylinder is obtained. A computer program for this solution is included

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