
Rapid variations of balmer line strengths in the spectra of Be stars


Low resolution photoelectric spectrophotometric measurements of the first four members of the Balmer series in the spectra of one Be and five Be (shell) stars were obtained with the 92-cm telescope and image dissecting scanner. Equivalent widths were computed for each observation, and their standard deviations from the mean values were examined. Results indicate that in three of the program stars, at least one of the Balmer lines shows significant fluctuations in equivalent width. These fluctuations amount to a few per cent of total line strength and the time scales appear to be on the order of three to thirty minutes. The fluctuations are not always present in a given star, indicating that the mechanism producing them may not be continuous. The noncontinuous and nonperiodic nature of the variations, along with their short time scale suggest some form of flare-like or shock origin for the phenomenon

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