
Error modeling of precision orientation sensors in a fixed base simulation


Models of noise and dynamic characteristics of gyro and autocollimator for very small signal levels are presented. Measurements were evaluated using spectral techniques for identifying noise from base motion. The experiment was constructed to measure the precession, due to relativistic effects, of an extremely precise earth-orbiting gyroscope. The design goal for nonrelativistic gyro drift is 0.001 arcsec per year. An analogous fixed base simulator was used in developing methods of instrument error modeling and performance evaluation applicable to the relativity experiment sensors and other precision pointing instruments. Analysis of autocollimator spectra uncovered the presence of a platform gimbal resonance. The source of resonance was isolated to gimbal bearing elastic restraint properties most apparent at very small levels of motion. A model of these properties which include both elastic and coulomb friction characteristics is discussed, and a describing function developed

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