
A contribution to the synoptic climatology of the extratropics


A relationship is established between relative geostrophic vorticity on an isobaric surface and the Laplacian of the underlying layer-mean temperature. This relationship is used to investigate the distribution of vorticity and baroclinicity in a jet-stream model which is constantly recurrent in the winter troposhere. The investigation shows that the baroclinic and vorticity fields of the extratropical troposphere must be bifurcated with two extrema in the middle and subpolar latitudes. This pattern is present in daily tropospheric meridional cross-sections. The reasons for the disappearance of bifurcation in the time-and-longitude averaged distributions are discussed. The implications of the geographical distribution for the maintenance of the observed kinetic energy and baroclinicity distributions in the extratropical troposphere in winter are discussed. It is shown that the subtropical and subpolar ridges are nearly antiparallely distributed as is required by the observed distribution of temporal r.m.s. vorticity at the jet-stream level

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