
A study of first month space malfunctions


The study examines the first-month space performance of 57 Goddard Space Flight Center spacecraft. It is a sequel to a previous study of first-day space malfunctions of the same 57 spacecraft. A total of 154 malfunctions, of which 88 were classified as failures, have been summarized by year of occurrence, by major subsystem of a spacecraft, by type of defect, and by severity. Of the 57 spacecraft, 45 had one or more failures during the first month in space. However, the mission criticality data show that, of the 154 malfunctions, less than 10 percent would have resulted in major loss (50-100 percent) to the mission, and due to redundancy, only 5 percent did result in major loss to the mission. The data show that more than 50 percent of the first month's failures occurred in the first operational day in space. The data also show that, for the first month in space, the ratio of system-test failures to space failures for various devices ranged from 3 to 1 up to 10 to 1. For six spacecraft programs, the ratios of test to space failures ranged from 2 to 1 up to 8 to 1

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