
Assessment of ERTS-1 imagery as a tool for regional geological analysis in New York State


The author has identified the following significant results. Linear anomalies dominate the new geological information derived from ERTS-1 imagery, total lengths now exceeding 26,500 km. Maxima on rose diagrams for ERTS-1 anomalies correspond well with those for mapped faults and topographic lineaments. Multi-scale analysis of linears shows that single topographic linears at 1:2,500,000 may become dashed linears at 1:1,000,000 aligned zones of shorter parallel, en echelon, or conjugate linears at 1:5000,000, and shorter linears lacking any conspicuous zonal alignment at 1:250,000. Field work in the Catskills suggests that the prominent new NNE lineaments may be surface manifestations of dip slip faulting in the basement, and that it may become possible to map major joint sets over extensive plateau regions directly on the imagery. Most circular features found were explained away by U-2 airfoto analysis but several remain as anomalies. Visible glacial features include individual drumlins, drumlinoids, eskers, ice-marginal drainage channels, glacial lake shorelines, sand plains, and end moraines

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