
Overall and blade-element performance of a 1.20-pressure-ratio fan stage at design blade setting angle


A 51-cm-diam. model of a short-haul fan stage was tested. Surveys of the air flow conditions ahead of the rotor, between the rotor and stator, and behind the stator were made over the stable operating range of the stage. At the design speed of 213.3 m/sec and weight flow of 26.7 kg/sec, the stage pressure ratio and efficiency are 1.18 and 0.87, respectively. The rotor peak efficiency of 0.92 occurred at flow rate of 30.5 kg/sec. Peak stage efficiency of 0.09 was obtained at 110 percent speed at a pressure ratio of 1.218 and a weight flow of 30.2 kg/sec. Maximum stage pressure ratio is 1.269 at 120 percent speed

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