
Dynamic oxidation behavior at 1000 and 1100 C of four nickel-base cast alloys, NASA-TRW VIA, B-1900, 713C, and 738X


The superalloys NASA-TRW VIA, B-1900, 713C, and 738X were tested cyclically and isothermally for resistance to oxidation in high velocity gas streams for 100 hours at specimen temperatures of 1000 C and 1100 C. Alloys VIA and B-1900, which were the most oxidation resistant, displayed slight and very similar weight changes and metal losses. Alloy 713C also sustained only slight metal losses, but it exhibited some tendency to spall. Alloy 738X was found to be the most susceptible to cyclic oxidation; this resulted in heavy spalling, which in turn caused high weight losses and high metal losses. Oxidation test results are related to the amounts of chromium aluminum, and the refractory metals in the alloys investigated

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