
A B-B-G-K-Y framework for fluid turbulence


A kinetic theory for fluid turbulence is developed from the Liouville equation and the associated BBGKY hierarchy. Real and imaginary parts of Fourier coefficients of fluid variables play the roles of particles. Closure is achieved by the assumption of negligible five-coefficient correlation functions and probability distributions of Fourier coefficients are the basic variables of the theory. An additional approximation leads to a closed-moment description similar to the so-called eddy-damped Markovian approximation. A kinetic equation is derived for which conservation laws and an H-theorem can be rigorously established, the H-theorem implying relaxation of the absolute equilibrium of Kraichnan. The equation can be cast in the Fokker-Planck form, and relaxation times estimated from its friction and diffusion coefficients. An undetermined parameter in the theory is the free decay time for triplet correlations. Some attention is given to the inclusion of viscous damping and external driving forces

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