
A Computing Method for Sound Propagation Through a Nonuniform Jet Stream


Understanding the principles of jet noise propagation is an essential ingredient of systematic noise reduction research. High speed computer methods offer a unique potential for dealing with complex real life physical systems whereas analytical solutions are restricted to sophisticated idealized models. The classical formulation of sound propagation through a jet flow was found to be inadequate for computer solutions and a more suitable approach was needed. Previous investigations selected the phase and amplitude of the acoustic pressure as dependent variables requiring the solution of a system of nonlinear algebraic equations. The nonlinearities complicated both the analysis and the computation. A reformulation of the convective wave equation in terms of a new set of dependent variables is developed with a special emphasis on its suitability for numerical solutions on fast computers. The technique is very attractive because the resulting equations are linear in nonwaving variables. The computer solution to such a linear system of algebraic equations may be obtained by well-defined and direct means which are conservative of computer time and storage space. Typical examples are illustrated and computational results are compared with available numerical and experimental data

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