
Development of a gas pressure bonded four-pole alternator rotor


Methods were developed for fabrication of a solid four pole alternator rotor by hot isostatic pressure welding. The rotor blanks welded in this program had complex geometrical mating interfaces and were of considerable bulk, being approximately 3-1/2 inches (0.089 meters) in diameter and 14 inches (0.356 meters) long. Magnetic end pieces were machined from AlSl 4340 steel, while the non-magnetic central section was of Inconel 718. Excellent welds were produced which were shown to be responsive to post weld heat treatments which substantially improved joint strength. Prior to welding the rotors, test specimens of complex geometry were welded to demonstrate that complex surfaces with intentional mechanical misfit could be readily joined using HIP welding. This preliminary work demonstrated not only that interface compliance is achieved during welding but that welding pressure is developed in these thick sections sufficient to produce sound joints. Integral weld-heat treatment cycles were developed that permitted the attainment of magnetic properties while minimizing residual stress associated with the allotropic transformation of 4340 steel

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