
Sweep effect on the drag of rows of perpendicular circular cylinders in a laminar boundary layer at supersonic free-stream velocities


Drag measurements were obtained for circular cylinders attached perpendicularly to a flat-plate surface. Measurements were obtained for a single cylinder and for rows of cylinders. The cylinders were alined at various sweep angles relative to the free-stream velocity vector and at spacings appropriate for roughness elements used as boundary layer trips. The drag measurements were obtained for Mach numbers of 3.95 and 4.60, ratios of cylinder height to an undisturbed laminar boundary layer displacement thickness of approximately 1.0 to 3.0, a cylinder height-to-diameter ratio of approximately 2, and sweep angles up to 60. A complete presentation of the experimental results is given. A discussion of the more significant findings, including the most appropriate parameters for correlating the experimental results, is presented

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