
A synoptic study of Sudden Phase Anomalies (SPA's) effecting VLF navigation and timing


Sudden phase anomalies (SPA's) observed on VLF recordings are related to sudden ionospheric disturbances due to solar flares. Results are presented for SPA statistics on 500 events observed in New York during the ten year period 1961 to 1970. Signals were at 10.2kHz and 13.6kHz emitted from the OMEGA transmitters in Hawaii and Trinidad. A relationship between SPA frequency and sun spot number was observed. For sun spot number near 85, about one SPA per day will be observed somewhere in the world. SPA activity nearly vanishes during periods of low sun spot number. During years of high solar activity, phase perturbations observed near noon are dominated by SPA effects beyond the 95th percentile. The SPA's can be represented by a rapid phase run-off which is approximately linear in time, peaking in about 6 minutes, and followed by a linear recovery. Typical duration is 49 minutes

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