
Magnetization and magnetic susceptibility of DyH3


The magnetization and differential magnetic susceptibility of powdered samples of DyH3 have been measured at 4.2 K in applied magnetic fields ranging to 9 Teslas. The differential magnetic susceptibility has also been studied in zero applied field as a function of temperature. The magnetization data are described by an equation of the form M = aB/(1 + bB + cB. The ratio a/b is a measure of the saturation magnetization and gives an effective moment of 5.12 Bohr magnetons per ion. The zero field susceptibility exhibits a maximum at T = 3.45 K, and an inflection point near 2.85 K. The susceptibility at 4.2 K has a 1/B squared dependence on the applied magnetic field for B approximately greater than 0.3 Teslas

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