
Rocket spectrometer for investigation of the far ultraviolet solar spectrum


A rocket-borne Ebert spectrometer and telescope were used for analysis of the solar spectrum. The instrument was arranged in the high resolution line scanning mode. Selected emission lines between 1170 and 1640 A were scanned, and a complete wavelength scan was made from 1170 A to 1850 A. Accurate measurements were made of the line profiles of the He II lines at 1640 A, C IV lines at 1550 A, Si IV lines at 1400 A, C II lines at 1335 A, the N V lines at 1240 A, and the C III lines at 1175 A. Accurate intensity measurements of the quiet sun spectrum for wavelengths between 1174 A and 3220 A were obtained. Spectral resolution was better than 0.03 A over most of the range and spatial resolution was relatively low so that the observations are averaged over the chromospheric network. Plots of absolute intensity versus wave length were prepared for the full wavelength range of the observations

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