
Study to evaluate the effect of EVA on payload systems. Volume 1: Executive summary


Programmatic benefits to payloads are examined which can result from the routine use of extravehicular activity (EVA) during space missions. Design and operations costs were compared for 13 representative baseline payloads to the costs of those payloads adapted for EVA operations. The EVA-oriented concepts developed in the study were derived from these baseline concepts and maintained mission and program objectives as well as basic configurations. This permitted isolation of cost saving factors associated specifically with incorporation of EVA in a variety of payload designs and operations. The study results were extrapolated to a total of 74 payload programs. Using appropriate complexity and learning factors, net EVA savings were extrapolated to over 551MforNASAandU.S.civilpayloadsforroutineoperations.AddingDODandESROpayloadsincreasesthenetestimatedsavingsof551M for NASA and U.S. civil payloads for routine operations. Adding DOD and ESRO payloads increases the net estimated savings of 776M. Planned maintenance by EVA indicated an estimated 168Msavingsduetoeliminationofautomatedserviceequipment.Contingencyproblemsofpayloadswerealsoanalyzedtoestablishexpectedfailureratesforshuttlepayloads.ThefailureinformationresultedinanestimatedpotentialforEVAsavingsof168M savings due to elimination of automated service equipment. Contingency problems of payloads were also analyzed to establish expected failure rates for shuttle payloads. The failure information resulted in an estimated potential for EVA savings of 1.9 B

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