NO sub x deposited in the stratosphere by the space shuttle, phase 1
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The results of calculations to determine the amount of NOx deposited in the stratosphere by space shuttle solid rocket motors (SRM) are presented. Flow properties and chemical composition in the exhaust nozzle and plume were analyzed. The nozzle calculations show that about 4.5 lbm/sec of NOx leaves the two SRMs. The total amount of NOx deposited in the stratosphere is related to the amount leaving the nozzle via an overall plume enhancement factor (OPEF), which depends upon the influence of afterburning and shocks in enhancing the exit plane NOx mole fraction. Calculations show that the OPEF is approximately 2, indicating the mass flow of NOx in the plume to be approximately l0 lbm/sec at 30 km altitude with a possible error factor of 4. For a vehicle velocity of 3750 ft/sec, therefore, the NOx deposition rate in the stratosphere is about 2.7 x 10(-3) lbm/ft