
Delineation of the boundaries of a buried pre-glacial valley with LANDSAT-1 data


The continuity of a narrow meandering strip of Udoll (prairie) soils running east and west for approximately 40 miles across north central Indiana in an area predominantly of Udalfs (timber soils) was detected from LANDSAT-1 data taken on June 9, 1973. This data was processed through a clustering procedure and classified with resulting increased definition of the boundaries among soils grouped according to nine categories and vegetation to two categories of reflectance. This dark stretch of prairie soil is believed to have formed in the heavy textured, poorly drained glacial debris which filled a major pre-glacial tributary of the Teays River System. Ready identification and location of the valley has significance to soil survey and land classification people as a guide to soil classification and land use and to geologists as a guide to location of a potentially economically significant aquifer

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