A search for chemical laser action in low pressure metal vapor flames
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Optical emissions were studied from low pressure (approximately 1 torr) dilute diffusion flames of Ca and Mg vapor with O2, N2O and mixtures of CCl4 and O2. The Ca flames with O2 and N2O revealed high vibrational excitation of the product CaO molecule (up to v=30). The flames with CCl4 revealed extreme nonequilibrium metal atom electronic excitation, up to the metal atom ionization limit (6.1 eV for Ca, 7.6 eV for Mg). The metal atom excited electronic state populations did not follow a Boltzmann distribution, but the excitation rates ('pumping rate') were found to obey an Arrhenius-type expression, with the electronic excitation energy playing the role of activation energy and a temperature of about 5000 K for triplet excited states and 2500 K for singlets (vs. approximately 500 K translational temperature)