
The eigenvalue spectrum of the Orr-Sommerfeld problem


A numerical investigation of the temporal eigenvalue spectrum of the ORR-Sommerfeld equation is presented. Two flow profiles are studied, the plane Poiseuille flow profile and the Blasius boundary layer (parallel): flow profile. In both cases a portion of the complex c-plane bounded by 0 less than or equal to CR sub r 1 and -1 less than or equal to ci sub i 0 is searched and the eigenvalues within it are identified. The spectra for the plane Poiseuille flow at alpha = 1.0 and R = 100, 1000, 6000, and 10000 are determined and compared with existing results where possible. The spectrum for the Blasius boundary layer flow at alpha = 0.308 and R = 998 was found to be infinite and discrete. Other spectra for the Blasius boundary layer at various Reynolds numbers seem to confirm this result. The eigenmodes belonging to these spectra were located and discussed

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