
Effect of simulated Earth reentry exposure on mechanical properties of several oxide dispersion strengthened and superalloy sheet materials


The effects of simulated multiple reentry into the earth's atmosphere on the mechanical properties of several high temperature metallic sheet materials were evaluated. The materials included five tin-gage (nominally 0.025- or 0.037-cm) oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) alloys and two thin-gage (nominally 0.037-cm) superalloys. Multiple reentry conditions were simulated through cyclic Plasma Arc Tunnel (PAT) exposure. PAT exposure generally consisted of 100 cycles of 600 second duration at 1255, 1366, or 1477 K in a Mach 4.6 airstream with an impact pressure of nominally 800 N/m2. PAT exposure generally produced a uniform oxide scale, oxide pits or intergranular oxidation, Kirkendall porosity, and alloy depletion zones except for the aluminum-containing ODS alloys. Only a uniform oxide scale was formed on the aluminum-containing ODS alloys. PAT exposure did not significantly affect the mechanical properties of the thin-gage (nominally 0.025- or 0.037-cm) alloys evaluated. Thus it appears that the microstructural changes produced by Plasma Arc Tunnel exposure has little influence on mechanical properties

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