Studies of friction and wear characteristics of various wires for wire-brush skids
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The friction and wear characteristics of 22 types and sizes of wires for potential use in wire-brush skids were studied. These characteristics were determined by placing brushes made from candidate wires on a belt sander whose moving belt simulated landing roll-out distance. At the same time, the drag force and wear behavior were monitored. Data were obtained over distances up to 3048 m (10,000 ft) at preselected bearing pressures of 172 to 1034 kPa (25 to 150 psi). In general, the friction coefficient developed by the candidate wires was found to be independent of bearing pressure and ranged between 0.4 and 0.6 under the test conditions of this investigation. The friction coefficient was not degraded when the surface was wetted and appears to be independent of wire diameter except perhaps when wire size is relatively large compared with the surface asperities. Generally, the high friction demonstrated by the soft materials was accompanied by high wear rates; conversely, the hard materials provided greater wear resistance but offered lower friction. For all test wires, the wear was shown to increase with increasing bearing pressure, in general, for the same bearing pressure, wear increased with increasing wire diameter and decreased when the surface was wetted