
Overcoming child malnutrition in developing countries


In 1995, 167 million children under five years old—almost one-third of developing-country children—were malnourished. Malnutrition causes a great deal of human suffering, and it is a violation of a child's human rights. It is associated with more than half of all deaths of children worldwide. People who survive a malnourished childhood are less physically and intellectually productive and suffer from more chronic illness and disability. The costs to society are enormous. Eradicating malnutrition remains a tremendous public policy challenge. Which types of interventions will have the greatest impact in reducing child malnutrition? The study on which this brief is based uses national data for 63 countries over 1970–96 to explore this question. Smith and Hadded examine the determinants of child nutritional status and discuss reductions in child malnutrition during 1970–95. they forecast the status of child malnutrition to the year 2020 and sugest priorities for the future.Malnutrition in children Developing countries History. ,Malnutrition in children Developing countries Forecasting. ,

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