
Effect of LN2 injection station location on the drive fan power and LN2 requirements of a cryogenic wind tunnel


A theoretical analysis comparing the fan power and coolant (LN2) flow rates resulting from injection of the LN2 either upstream or downstream of the drive fan of a closed circuit transonic cryogenic tunnel is presented. The analysis is restricted to steady state tunnel operation and to the condition that the tunnel walls are adiabatic. The stagnation pressure and temperature range of the tunnel is from 1.0 to 8.8 atm and from 300 K to liquefaction temperature, respectively. Calculations are made using real gas properties of nitrogen. Results show that the fan power and LN2 flow rates are lower if the LN2 is injected upstream of the fan. The lower fan inlet temperature resulting from injecting upstream of the fan has a greater influence on the power than does the additional mass flow going through the fan

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