
Detection of short-term changes in vegetation cover by use of LANDSAT imagery


The author has identified the following significant results. By using a constant band 6 to band 5 radiance ratio of 1.25, the changing pattern of areas of relatively dense vegetation cover was detected for the semiarid region in the vicinity of Tucson, Arizona. Electronically produced binary thematic masks were used to map areas with dense vegetation. The foliar cover threshold represented by the ratio was not accurately determined but field measurements show that the threshold lies in the range of 10 to 25 percent foliage cover. Montana evergreen forests with constant dense cover were correctly shown to exceed the threshold on all dates. The summer active grassland exceeded the threshold in the summer unless rainfall was insufficient. Desert areas exceeded the threshold during the spring of 1973 following heavy rains; the same areas during the rainless spring of 1974 did not exceed threshold. Irrigated fields, parks, golf courses, and riparian communities were among the habitats most frequently surpassing the threshold

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