
Tailcone on orbiter altitude attainable at the maximum ALT interface airspeed


A preflight analysis performed for verification of the ALT mated vehicle incidence angle which maximizes the post separation altitude attainment by the orbiter at the maximum approach and landing test (ALT) interface airspeed (300 KEAS) is discussed. In the analysis, altitude versus airspeed profiles are generated for each of the three incidence angles that include and bound the recommended incidence angle for both the forward and the aft cg tailcone on orbiter configurations. Results show that the recommended incidence angles maximize the orbiter post separation altitude attainable within an acceptable tradeoff between separation clearance capability and orbiter structural constraints. Within constraints, the incidence angle that maximizes the orbiter altitude at the maximum ALT interface airspeed for both the forward and aft cg orbiter tailcone on configurations is 6.0 deg. The requirement for a parametric analysis of orbiter altitude attainable at the maximum ALT interface airspeed is stated along with the specifications, assumptions, and analytical approach used to determine orbiter altitude attainable at the maximum ALT interface airspeed

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