
Time scale for the formation of the earth and planets and its role in their geochemical evolution


The initial mass of the solar nebula is discussed. Models of a massive nebula (two solar masses and more) encounter serious difficulties: an effective mechanism of transfer of the momentum from the central part of the nebula outward, capable of leading to formation of the sun and removal of half the mass of the nebula from the solar system has not been found. As a consequence of the instability of these models, their evolution can end with the formation, not a planetary system, but of a binary star. The possibility is demonstrated of obtaining acceptable growth rates for Uranus and Neptune by prolonging the thickening of preplanetary dust in the region of large masses. The important role of large bodies in the process of formation of the planets is noted. The impacts of such bodies, moving in heliocentric orbits, could have imparted considerable additional energy to the forming Moon, which, together with the energy given off by the joining of a small number of large protomoons, could have led to a high initial temperature of the moon

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