
SEAHT: A computer program for the use of intersecting arcs of altimeter data for sea surface height refinement


The SEAHT program is designed to process multiple passes of altimeter data with intersecting ground tracks, with the estimation of corrections for orbital errors to each pass such that the data has the best overall agreement at the crossover points. Orbit error for each pass is modeled as a polynomial in time, with optional orders of 0, 1, or 2. One or more passes may be constrained in the adjustment process, thus allowing passes with the best orbits to provide the overall level and orientation of the estimated sea surface heights. Intersections which disagree by more than an input edit level are not used in the error parameter estimation. In the program implementation, passes are grouped into South-North passes and North-South passes, with the North-South passes partitioned out for the estimation of orbit error parameters. Computer core utilization is thus dependent on the number of parameters estimated for the set of South-North arcs, but is independent on the number of North-South passes. Estimated corrections for each pass are applied to the data at its input data rate and an output tape is written which contains the corrected data

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