
The radial variation of corotating energetic particle streams in the inner and outer solar system


The radial gradient of long-lived, corotating energetic particle streams was measured using observations of .9-2.2 MeV protons from Helios 1 and 2, IMP 7, Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11. A positive gradient of approximately 350% per AU is found between .3 AU and 1 AU. Between 1 AU and some 3-5 AU, the gradient is variable with an average value of 100% per AU which is consistent with earlier statistical results. A comparison between measurements at 9 AU and approximately 4 AU shows a negative gradient which is variable from -40 to -100% per AU. Possible solar latitudinal effects on these gradient studies are also discussed. Using solar wind and magnetic field data from Helios 1 between 1 AU and .3 AU, the relation between corotating energetic particle events in the inner solar system and the interplanetary medium is examined. It is found that the energetic particles are contained inside the high speed solar wind stream in a region adjacent to the interaction region between low speed and high speed streams

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