
Calculation of the planar supercritical flow over a NASA supercritical profile


An unsteady finite difference procedure was used to calculate the steady inviscid flow over an 11% thickness ratio NASA supercritical profile of LWP 505 at M sub infinity = 0.80 and alpha = 0. An attempt is made to include the viscous effects using a modified form of Head's entrainment method to calculate the turbulent boundary layer. The attempt to predict the viscous effects using the compressible form of Head's integral method with a modified auxiliary equation for the form factors was unsatisfactory. Though a reasonably separation bubble was established on the lower surface, a grossly exaggerated displacement effect resulted downstream of the shock on the upper surface. There clearly is substantial further effort required to evolve a satisfactory boundary layer procedure, which must then be coupled in a still unproven manner with the inviscid procedure

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