
Data analysis of the LPSP experiment on OSO-8


The first and statistically most reliable step in the data analysis - the computation of the vertical phase lag between photospheric and chromospheric oscillations - was completed. Unfortunately, the error associated with this calculated phase lag is so great that the result has no physical significance. Since the subsequent data analysis that was originally planned would have much larger associated errors, it was concluded that the data available is insufficient to allow any meaningful results to be derived. Accordingly, the project was terminated. The reasons for the failure of the data are discussed. There are two basic reasons for this failure; (1) the very low signal to noise ratio of the raw data, and (1) the small statistical sample that resulted from the very small number of usable orbits. The final phase of data analysis is described. Finally, some comments and recommendations of a general nature are made concerning this entire contract effort. It is hoped that at least some lessons can be learned from this particular Guest Investigator project, so that future Guest Investigator programs can be pursued more effectively, and with less risk

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